CKaweekS. One part of the ingredients that make up the melting pot called Hawai’i. A little bit of surf, a tad bit of reggae music, one part lightsleeper, with a dash of “aaah, lucky I live hea’ brah.” Mix this in a bowl of influences off the street, through nature, and diverse people. Drink it down with a smooth glass of green bottled beer and you won’t get a taste but a lifestyle. This lifestyle shared in part by others from the art collective Pocket Full Of Monsters. Always changing, always evolving, because to settle on a style creativity stops. And when this stops, the beer goes bad.
That's pretty much it, paint, drink beer and play in the ocean.
Visit his art website
His band
Check out Ckaweeks's artwork in our EIGB-MTN art show at 1:AM SF Gallery.
Opening reception Friday, 9/11, 7-10pm.
Show runs until October 9.
1:AM SF Gallery
1000 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 861-5089
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Collaboration with Angry Woebot and Newkon:
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